3d-aperion Bernardo Galmarini (conversions) page
3D by Dan Shelley dddesign.com
3D Concepts (run by stereoscopy.com)
AnaBuilder 3D software, excellent for anaglyphs
Alpes Stereo Pierre Gidon page
Art and Photography Conversions to 3D Jim Long's (conversions) page
AstroAnarchy J-P Metsavainio impressive 3d images of the sky
Berezin Stereo Photography Products
Color Stereo weared stereograms by Gene Levine
Guglielmo Menegatti's page: 2d->3d conversion software & gallery
International Stereoscopic Union
Johnson-Shaw Stereoscopic Museum
Kiwizone John Wattie Landscape and Stereoscopic Photography from New Zealand (also 2d)
Ledametrix.com Rob Crockett page featuring LANC Shepherd and other products, gallery & technical notes
National Stereoscopic Association
Optometrists Network 3d is good for your eyes
PokeScope Stereoscopic Resources
Principles of stereoscopic photography by John Wattie
Shahrokh Dabiri stereoviews from Iran
StereoPhoto Maker Masuji SUTO page for StereoPhoto Maker - the most versatile and free 3D software for Windows
Stereoscopic Photography of Flowers in Japan
Stereoscopy.com The World of 3D-Imaging
UnderSea3D Stereophotography by Mark Blum
Colors indicate site's profile: **** vendors ****** galleries ****** informative ** ***organizations, clubs